SLA Tracker

Service Level Agreement adherence can be monitored in Dispatch to ensure that your standards are met.

Monitor SLA performance in real-time.

Your SLA tracker will help you monitor your compliance in terms of providers' timeliness in making updates to individual jobs.

Managing a 3rd party network of providers is tough. Given that they’re not your employees (and you may or may not be a large source of work for them), you have limited power to control what they do. As a result, you need to stay on top of them and ensure your customers are getting timely service. This is why brands have an SLA (Service Level Agreement), where they define the rules and guidelines for executing on work and attempt to monitor and improve their networks compliance to it. Enterprises often measure this SLA in aggregate in various excel spreadsheets and enterprise reporting tools. 

Using the SLA Tracker tool, available in Manage, enterprise stakeholders can monitor the SLA performance in real-time. Being able to monitor SLA performance in real-time means that users can potentially anticipate and intercept breaches before they happen, when it really matters.

Keep track of SLAs around:

  • Accepting new jobs (accept or decline within x amount of time)
  • Scheduling appointments (scheduled appt with customer within x amount of time)
  • Completion (job life cycle, job is complete within x amount of time)

SLA Tracker: Filter by Job Lifetime

You can set the job lifetime at the top to look at jobs sent within a specific time period, such as 24-48 hours ago. You can use the filter to see just jobs in a particular status such as offered jobs or unscheduled jobs.

You can also filter by specific states, individual service providers, brand, service types, and complete reason that was selected (for completed or paused jobs).

You can use the SLA status symbols to see which jobs have met the SLA requirements, which jobs have not met the SLA requirements, and which jobs are at risk of not meeting the SLA requirements.

In the example below, the user has set the “Job Lifetime” slider to show jobs that were created between 24 and 48 hours ago and are currently in the job status ‘Offered’.

This means that the job shown in the table, which was offered to ‘Done Right Home Services’ was created 24-48 hours ago and is currently still in the offered state.

We can see the red icons to the right, which indicate that the job has exceeded the allotted SLA time frame. In this example, the enterprise has set SLAs which require their providers, like Done Right Home Services, to respond to an offer (accept or decline) within 24 hours and that SLA has been breached.

Sending a Reminder from the SLA Tracker

In the job row, on the right, click the ‘Send Reminder’ button to instantly send an email to Done Right Home Services letting them know that you are looking for an update.

When you click ‘Send Reminder, you’ll be shown this prompt to confirm that you’d like to send it.

After you click ‘Send Reminder’ all of the users in the Dispatcher role at Done Right Home Services receive this email:

When the Dispatcher at Done Right Home Services clicks ‘View Job’ this will take them directly to the job details page in their Dispatch account, where they can provide a status update.

Interested in setting up your SLA goals?

Talk with your Customer Success Manager about your requirements for your network.