Job Details

View each activity that takes place on your jobs and take action as needed

Job Details

To view the details of a job, simply click on it from the list. That will bring you to the job details page where you can find all the job and customer information that was sent to the service provider who the job was assigned to.

There are several actions you can take from this page:

  • Add notes for the service provider 
  • Add photos for the service provider
  • Edit job description
  • Canceling the job
  • Printing out the job details
  • Send a reminder to the service provider to provide a status update on that job

Request Time

On the job details page in Manage, there is a button labeled ‘Request Time’.

Click Request Time to add customer availability and preferences, which will be visible to the service provider.

After you enter these dates and appointment windows, click Save to send these to the service provider. When you send times, this is what the service provider will see on the job details page:

You will notice that there is a message stating that the times shown were suggested by the customer and the service provider can select one and schedule directly from this page. 

If none of the suggested times work for the provider’s schedule, the provider should contact the customer to schedule a different time and then enter that into their Dispatch schedule.

Send Reminder

Click ‘Send Reminder’ when you would like to remind the service provider that you are waiting for a response to the job offer or other update to the job, such as attempted contact, scheduling, follow-up or completion. 

When you click ‘Send Reminder’ you will be shown a prompt to confirm that you would like to prompt this service provider (Rapid Repairs, in this example) a notification that requests an update from them.

Select ‘Take Me Back’ if you do not want to send the reminder alert.

If you send the reminder alert, all users in the Dispatcher role at the service company will be sent an automated email.

The automated email reminder will address the user in the Dispatcher role by name and include the name of the Manage user who sent the reminder. Contact information for the enterprise is included.


Select ‘Print’ to print out the job details page.


Select ‘Cancel’ to cancel the job. 

Please note: once you cancel a job, the service provider and the customer will be notified. Cancelling a job cannot be undone.

Users in the Dispatcher role at the service company will receive an automated email.

The customer may be notified if your configuration is enabled for this.

For details specific to your account configurations, speak with your Customer Success Manager.