Provider Profile Metrics

View metrics specific to each provider via their profile page. Dig into detailed data on their jobs, techs, ratings and performance.

Provider Profile Metrics

Use this article to learn how to view metrics for specific service providers available on their profile page.

Please note: all data fields shown in these reports are customizable and can be modified to suit your business needs.

Filtering Data

At the top of each reporting tab, there is the option to select your own criteria for filtering content, based on what you'd like to see. Filters vary per tab, while you are able to filter all by the date range.

Other tabs allow you to filter by specific technicians or specific performance measures.

Click  Filter, select your criteria, and then click Apply to create your custom view.

Downloading and Searching Data

All of the metrics and tables shown are able to be downloaded if you'd like to share the information with people who do not have access to your Manage account. You can also search within data tables.

Hover your mouse over the top right of any metric and an icon labeled  More Options will appear.

Select Download Image or Download Data to export.

Hover your mouse over the top right of any table and an icon labeled  More Options will appear.

Search for specific content within your tables.

After selecting Search from the More Options menu, type your search terms into the search box and the table will automatically filter to display items which include your search term(s) or names.

Search tables to identify themes within your ratings or search for specific customers

Performance Data

Click the "Performance" tab on the provider's profile to access performance metrics for the service provider you are viewing. Performance metrics include (but are not limited to*):

  • Average time to Accept, Schedule, and Complete new job offers
  • Average drive time, work time, and total time per appointment
  • On-time scheduling and completion performance per week
  • Average drive time, work time, and total time per appointment
  • Job volume by source

*The data displayed serves as a template, this data can be customized to best suit your KPIs.

Jobs Data

Click on the "Jobs" tab on the provider profile to view a list of jobs for the provider within the selected date range and export the data as needed.

The data displayed in the table serves as a template, this data can be customized to best suit your KPIs.

Data included in the jobs table shown above:

  • Job ID#
  • Job Title
  • Customer Name
  • Created Timestamp: When the job was sent to the provider
  • Contacted Timestamp: When the customer was contacted
  • Time to Contact: Length of time between the job being offered and it being scheduled(hours)
  • Scheduled For Timestamp: Date and time of the scheduled appointment
  • Enroute Timestamp: When the appointment was statused as "on my way" in the mobile app
  • Onsite Timestamp: When the appointment was statused as "started" in the mobile app (can be done by Dispatcher as backup)
  • Time to on-site: Amount of days from the job being offered until the appointment start window
  • # of Visits: Number of appointments for this job
  • Completed Timestamp: When the job was statused as complete
  • Time to Complete: Total days it took for this job to be completed, starting from the time the job was offered to the provider.

You're able to filter the jobs list using custom performance measures.

View Details Link: Click on this to view the job's detail page in Manage

Ratings Data

The ratings tab allows you to track ratings and responses for the provider, filtered by your chosen date range.

The metrics shown will be based on your filtered date range and provide this data:

  • Total # of Ratings
  • Average Rating
  • Ratings Breakdown
  • Customer Response Rate
  • Response Rate for specified date range
  • Response Rate month-to-month
  • Job Details for each provider rating within the specified date range
  • View Job link, which will open up the job details page, so you can take a closer look.

Technicians Data

This report allows you to dive deeper and track performance on the technician level.

View the entire team or filter by specific technicians to drill-down on trends, download the data, and share this with the provider to identify areas for improvement.

View the total number of technicians, top technicians by job volume and a breakdown of service performance for each individual technician.

The table includes all completed appointments within your filtered date range per technician.

  • Tech name
  • Customer name
  • Job ID
  • Timestamps for scheduled, updated status to "on my way", updated status to started, work time, and completion per appointment.
  • Job resolution
  • Job Rating and comments from customer
  • View Job link which allows you to view the full job details for any appointment listed in the table.

The data displayed in the table serves as a template, this data can be customized to best suit your KPIs.

If you'd like to customize this reporting to better suit your business needs, talk to your Customer Success Manager.

Learn about aggregated historical reporting available for your entire network next: Explore Reports