Premium Offerings

Optimize efficiency with premium Dispatch offerings


Leverage positive service experiences to improve review presences.

Your service providers deliver world-class service to your customers every day. Boost gives you an opportunity to take those positive service experiences and promote them for the world to see, across your entire online review presence. Improve your online reputation by making it quick and easy for your customers to sing your praises on whatever review sites are most important to you.

Improve Your Reviews: Make it easy for happy customers to leave online reviews.

Any Review Presence: Choose the review site most important to your business, or let them choose from a list of sites.

Surveys, Your Way: Send post-job surveys automatically after each job, and collect the info most important to you.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Find your ideal provider for the job every time

It's not always easy to decide which one of your service providers is best for each job. This decision, however, can have a direct impact on the quality of service your customers are getting.

Dispatch Match analyzes the most important criteria to your business to help you pick the right provider for every job. Match combines inputs from you, your providers, and our own real-time data, and returns the best providers.

‍Match Your Way: You decide what criteria determines the ideal provider by combining data from every source.

Example criteria to consider:

  • Service Area
  • Trade/Skills
  • Shortest Driving Distance
  • Time to Schedule
  • Time to Accept
  • Average Rating

Custom Criteria - you tell us!

Match is custom-designed for each of our enterprise customers based on their unique use-case. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Omni-channel messaging connects every member of the service experience.

Send direct messages to your providers from Manage. Your providers can message with you and your customers, all in one place.

Delivering high quality service to your customers isn't an exact science. Sometimes, you just need to communicate with the people involved in the service experience. Relying on call centers is a costly and inefficient way to talk to customers.

Dispatch Communicate opens the lines of communication,  allowing your customers to communicate with your providers the way they want.

Messaging History means that your providers can see their entire communication history with each of your customers in one place.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Front end for your customers to easily book and schedule work

With all the time and resources you spend driving potential customers to your website, you want to provide the best possible booking experience with the highest likelihood to convert. Your job booking page is the front door to your business and is an important step in your customer experience. Dispatch provides you a branded booking or dealer locator page and allows your customers to leave ideal times for their appointments, increasing lead conversion rate and improving customer satisfaction.

Branded Experience: Give your customers one place to book and schedule work.

Suggested Times: Greatly improve time to schedule by allowing your customers to provide ideal appointment times.

Dealer Locator: Allow customers to find the most appropriate dealer for their job.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Integrations With The Systems You Rely On

See Dispatch data in your existing systems, or reflect all of your data inside the Dispatch platform.

Integration framework marries Dispatch data with your own.

Given today's complex software ecosystem, Dispatch offers pre-built integrations with the most popular enterprise systems.

If an integration doesn't exist,we have a playbook to build one that accommodates your specific needs.

Seamlessly reflect Dispatch data in your existing enterprise systems, and vice-versa, with Connect.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Explore Premium

Premium-tier custom reporting

Explore Premium includes custom-made Dispatch reporting, built exclusively for you, based on your business goals.

To learn more reach out to your Customer Success Manager.